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Coconut Oil


May 8, 2023

Coconut Oil

What Do You Know About Coconut Oil?

Coconut Oil has natural fragrance and it is the best choice for nurturing , nourishing and moisturizing properties. According to Traditonal Chinese Herbalist's concepts of 'YIN' moisture, and phlegm. That is the body trends towards coldness and heaviness and this type of body is not suitable to use coconut oil.

However, coconut pure oil contain several essential fatty acids and enrich in Vitamin A, B1, B2, B6 and E which is perfect one to nourishes the skin and hair.

Coconut Oil Benefits

1. Can Improve Skin Issues (Burns, Eczema, Dandruff, Dermatitis and Psoriasis)

Coconut oil is wonderful as a face cleanser, moisturizer and sun screen, but it can also treat many skin disorders. The fatty acids (caprylic and lauric) in coconut oil reduce inflammation internally and externally and moisturize, making them a great solution for all types of skin conditions. It protects the skin and has many antioxidants that make it ideal for healing the skin. In addition, the antimicrobial properties balance out the candida or fungal sources that can cause many skin conditions. There’s so much unrefined coconut oil can do for skin.

2. Coconut Oil Benefits for Hair Care

If you have dandruff or dry hair, coconut oil has the perfect fatty acids to help improve these conditions. In fact, there is so much coconut oil can do for hair.

You can make homemade coconut lavender shampoo to improve your hair and use straight coconut oil as an all-natural hair conditioner.

To get rid of dandruff and thicken hair, massage one tablespoon of coconut oil mixed with 10 drops of rosemary essential oil into your scalp for three minutes. Then shower 30 minutes later.

3. Coconut Oil for Anti-Aging

Research published in the medical journal Food and Function found that coconut oil improves antioxidant levels and can slow aging. Coconut oil works by reducing stress on the liver and lowering oxidative stress.

Also, researchers found that coconut oil may support detoxification because of how it works with the liver.

To naturally slow aging, take one tablespoon of coconut oil with antioxidant-rich berries for breakfast. You can also apply it directly to skin for additional health benefits and smoothing.


Coconut Oil for Hormone Balance

The health benefits of coconut oil include hormone balance as well. Coconut oil may help naturally balance hormones because it’s a great source of saturated fat, including lauric acid.

Studies have found that coconut oil may be an excellent fat to eat during menopause and also may have positives effects on estrogen levels.

In order to naturally balance hormones, reduce sugar and grain consumption, and load up on healthy fats from coconut, avocado, flaxseeds and ghee. You can also consume other coconut forms, such as coconut butter or coconut water.

5. Helps Prevent Gum Disease and Tooth Decay

Oil pulling with coconut oil has been used for centuries as a way to cleanse the mouth of bacteria and help heal periodontal disease. Plus, research shows that in addition to offering several oral perks, oil pulling with coconut oil also has a beneficial effect on overall health.

Coconut oil is one of the most effective oils for oil pulling due to its high concentration of antibacterial MCFAs.

By swishing the oil in your mouth, it denatures the bacteria and sticks to it. Removing oral bacteria greatly reduces your risk of periodontal disease.

If you want to heal your gums and repair your teeth, try oil pulling three times a week for 20 minutes a day.

